We have grown steadily over the last few years and if you want to learn more about our (in the truest sense of the word) journey from our founding in NYC to Cologne to Hawaii in 2012, scroll down and take a look at our press pages below.
"Our design philosophy is simple and straightforward and involves two simple steps: define a problem and then design a product that solves the problem. We found it hard to find stylish and functional clothes that we're able to wear on our morning bicycle commute as well as in the office during the day. So we started sharing the items we've came across on our website and begun to create our own bicycle friendly fashion.
But really, our main goal is to get more people into city cycling. With encouraging people to cycle we support cleaner and safer thus more beautiful cities and urban living spaces! The choice to ride is yours ... why not look good when making the right decision :)
As individuals and as a company we try hard to always make environmentally friendly and socially responsible decisions. We started as avid cyclists, who love fashion and want to show that a healthy and more active lifestyle is 'cool' and fun. We want people to think about their buying decisions and show them how they can make positive contributions to society and the environment - simply by riding a bicycle.
We started the company because we want to encourage people to bike. And while turning our idea into an actual business, we were able to create our very own unique working environment detached from time and space. We basically created our dream job! We work with our closest friends on the things we're most passionate about: fashion, bicycles and urban innovation. How we made it happen? We simply started and figured it out on the way. Eva and Mela (Founders of Allthatiwant.com, Interview Momentum Mag)