Hi I'm Hannah

Hi I'm Hannah

Posted by Eva Mohr on

Hannah Camera

...and I'm an addict. Addicted to fashion, exploring new styles and fashion photography. I am one of the bloggers at Allthatiwant and since 2008 I'm also writing for my own personal blog, where I mostly write about upcoming designers and fashion finds or post photos of my dearest friends and myself. I am currently studying english and german literature and when I grow up I hope to become a full-time style seeker, poet, world explorer, photographer and weekend warrior. I do love soccer as much as I love Chloé and if I had one wish, I'd wish for having a neighbor called drivers . (I mean who doesn't).

Stay tuned for more fashion news and if you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to reach out or leave a comment.

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The Bike and Cycle Style Blog

Reflektierende Kleidung: Stilvolle Sicherheit

Reflective Clothing: Safety in style

By Hanna Schmitz

There is no question that you always lose out on a bike in a traffic crash. Last year, a family member experienced first-hand what it's...

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Mit Gründerinnen im Gespräch: Mitali Gupta von Chalo

Interview with Mitali Gupta – Founder and CEO of Chalo

By Hanna Schmitz

What we really enjoy about our job is meeting and learning from other inspiring friends, colleagues, brands or founders. Today we are happy to host...

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