Dopper – Is the sustainable design bottle for tap water.

Dopper - Is the sustainable design bottle for tap water.

Posted by Allthatiwant on

dopper collection We've always been huge fans of Dutch design. They have simply figured it out: Clean, intuitive shapes and fun to use. And it fits perfectly to our everyday-on-the-go (bike) lifestyle.

The company was founded 2010 by Merjin Everaarts, Founder and CEO of the Dopper Foundation: “I once saw a shocking documentary about the huge amount of plastic that manages to make its way into our oceans, where it changes into a giant garbage patch that resembles plastic soup. I also noticed how many plastic mineral water bottles are thrown away every day, even though in many countries the best drinking water simply comes from the tap. This certainly made me feel uncomfortable. I just had to do something about it!"

In January 2010, Merijn launched a design competition to find “the perfect reusable bottle for drinking water.” Out of nearly 100 entries Rinke van Remortel's design was chosen.

Because of its unique shape, the bottle is very easy to clean, and is also very durable also because all the components are replaceable with spares to extend its life.

If you turn the bottle upside-down to rest on its white cup, you are putting water on a pedestal. This philosophy fits perfectly with Merijn's approach: Tap water on Number 1.

After Rinke's initial design, the first test bottles soon followed, along with a lot of media attention for the plastic problem. And on October 10th, 2010 – “Durability Day” in the Netherlands – The Dopper bottle was officially launched. From there, the durable water bottle has started its quest to conquer the rest of the world.

Be part of the journey and get your bottle on a mission! Check them out in our store and view the brand new collection here .

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