Welcome to the family, Victoria

Welcome to the family, Victoria

Posted by Eva Mohr on

We are proud to welcome Victoria to the ATIW Family. What we love about her (apart from her being a beautiful person)? Her sense of style and esthetics, her passion for good books (favorite author is Dickens) and love for photography and journalism. Ok that she's an enthusiastic cineaste and an “soon-to-be front row performer” for Animal Collective makes her the perfect fit for our team.

After living and working in Paris she's now working for Lomography , a global community whose strong passion is creative and experimental analogue film photography. They also run the  Lomography Gallery Stores in almost every major city in the world. Definitely worth to check them out when you come across one.

Victoria will be blogging for ATIW about street style, photography, music, fashion, lifestyle… and of course bikes. Stay tuned on our blog, Facebook other Twitter for news from Victoria.


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The Bike and Cycle Style Blog

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