5 Gründe warum Fahrradfahren so gesund ist

5 reasons why cycling is so healthy

Posted by Allthatiwant on

Bike Ride Road Cycling

April is Stress Awareness Month. But what exactly does that mean ? To put it simply: Become aware of your own mental health in order to recognize and avoid stressful situations.

In return, one should create positive situations and activities that provide joy and well-being and counteract stress. Biking is the right thing to do. And it doesn't matter whether you drive out into the country for training or simply cycle a leisurely tour through the city park - the positive effect on the mood can be felt after every tour. So if you keep your mind and body fit and moving, you will reduce stress and have a better life.

1) Riding a bike releases feelings of happiness

After just half an hour on the bike, the body releases endorphins and serotonin. A high serotonin level has a positive influence on mood, pain perception and sleep patterns. The same applies, of course, to any type of exercise and sport. It's twice as much fun when you're out and about with friends and the weather is good.

2) Cycling relaxes the mind

Anyone who likes to travel by bike or maybe even rides a bike to work knows that after a hard day you can really clear your head and switch off for the duration of the journey.

3) The heart and circulation run smoothly

Cycling is healthy for the heart and circulation because it promotes blood circulation, is good for the blood vessels and also lowers blood pressure. The brain is also better supplied with blood and the formation of new brain cells is promoted. So you can say: Cycling makes you smart!

4) Cycling is good for your figure

Not even just in the sense of losing weight. Those who cycle regularly simply look healthier and make their bodies more resilient and fitter.

5) Cycling is good for the community

If you take the bike and also do without the car more often, you pollute the environment less and that of course has an impact on the health of the community. Plus: the more people switch to bicycles, the more will be done for the bicycle infrastructure in cities and municipalities. Better cycle paths are being built and safety for cyclists is being improved.

Photo: Viktor Bystrov , Kiev. Photographer, documentary filmmaker and founder of #goodbikeroute.


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