bobbin bicycle

Pastel Colors – A New Trend? You’d Better Ask The Great Gatsby

Geposted von Allthatiwant am

Pastel colors are one of the biggest trends in 2012, no matter if you look at clothes, accessories, make up or nail polish. But is it really that new? (just think about Miami Vice). Every other spring collection includes pastel colors, and there must be a reason for it. And even though we complain about the every-other-season-comeback: WE ACTUALLY LOVE PASTELS!

The thought about pastel colored sweater vests make us also look forward to Baz Luhrman’s movie adaption of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic 1925’s novel ‘The Great Gatsby‘. We really can’t wait to see stunning Carey Mulligan and brilliant Leonardo DiCaprio performing in the movie (wearing pastel colors). Furthermore a well dressed Leo cycling on set shows us that a bike completes the perfect modern Gatsby outfit.

We hope to come across more classic Jays and Daisies picnicing in parks and enjoying a bottle of wine. Great spring tradition for Great Gatsbies: “I love New York on summer afternoons when everyone’s away. There’s something very sensuous about it – overripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits were going to fall into your hands.” The Great Gatsby.


Pastel color Birdie Bike

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