
Berlin By Bike

Geposted von Allthatiwant am

Part of the team spend a few days in Berlin. While one half of the “travel group” discovered the city, talked about, met up with business partners and got the Bicycle Skirt Garter into new stores, the other half went on a 80km bike ride towards Airport Tempelhof.

The Tempelhofer Feld is a 386 hectare open space that served as Tempelhof Airport until 2008. The former airport area has since been home to a number of events including Berlin Fashion Week and Berlin Design Week. Now the area has been turned into a popular recreation area for families, cyclists, kite flyers, joggers or dog owners. Riding with your bike along the airplane lanes is such a surreal experience. The open wide space, beautiful concrete structures, sunny weather and cycling on empty, tree-lined roads back into the city, made this the perfect ride.

Berlin By Bike

Tempelhofer Feld

Bike Ride


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