Berlin Bicycle Week and Fahrradschau 2016

Berlin Bicycle Week and Fahrradschau 2016

Geposted von Allthatiwant am

“The Haute-Couture show of bicycles fairs.” (Tobias Singer GQ Magazine (DE)


The past 2 weeks were exciting and exhausting at the same time. At the end of march we made our way to Berlin to showcase some of our products at Berliner Fahrradschau 2016. Being at the show is a great way for us to directly receive customer feedback, watch customers try out our products, meet new lifestyle, fashion and bicycle related brands while simply having a great time surrounded by like minded people.

Allthatiwant Berliner Fahrradschau

…and there was of course lots of cycling: Try out for the new Mika Amaro model!

Eva Mohr Mika Amaro

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