Hi I'm Hannah

Hi I'm Hannah

Geposted von Eva Mohr am

Hanna Camera

…and I’m an addict. Addicted to fashion, exploring new styles and fashion photography. I am one of the bloggers at Allthatiwant and since 2008 I’m also writing for my own personal blog, where I mostly write about upcoming designers and fashion finds or post photos of my dearest friends and myself. I am currently studying english and german literature and when I grow up I hope to become a full-time style seeker, poet, world explorer, photographer and weekend warrior. I do love soccer as much as I love Chloé and if I had one wish, I’d wish for having a neighbor called Driver. (I mean who doesn’t).

Stay tuned for more fashion news and if you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to reach out or leave a comment.

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Der Fahrrad und Cycle Style Blog

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