Radkappe Helm

Radkappe: Keeps Your Head Safe and Your Ponytail In Place

Geposted von Eva Mohr am

Radkappe Fahrradhelm

We love to look good on our ride and luckily over the past few years a ton of beautiful gadgets, accessories and design products for style savvy cyclists came on the market. But unfortunately there’s still a lack of affordable hair-friendly bike helmets that not only save your head but also keep your hair in shape.

Some people might argue: “Why do you care so much about your hair? It’s only important that your head is safe.” Yes, that is true – without a doubt. Safety has priority. But why can’t you have both?

We do care about our hair and after following this tutorial video each morning and spending a good amount of time putting your hair in an effortless looking bun (Yes there’s sience in creating a messy bun), there’s no way you want this early-morning-piece-of-art be messed up by your bicycle helmet. Luckily we got introduced to Janna, the founder of radkappe – the helmet that keeps your head AND pony tail safe. For the past 3 years Janna developed the idea of ‘radkappe’ and launched the first collection in April 2014.

We immediately liked the touch and feel of the light-weight helmet and the pastel colors are matching most of our spring and summer outfits.

Top feature: The cut out in the back of the helmet leaves enough space for your bun or pony tail while the helmet shields protect your mascara from rain and wind.

Wanna learn more? Check out the certified helmets in our shop!

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